
Monday, December 1, 2014

Letter to Meg

Meg Cabot,

            I discovered your writing when I was in middle school. I first read Princess Diaries when I was in 6th grade. I connected with Mia because I often felt I was an outcast and struggled with public speaking. I still remembering lying down on a church pew waiting for my Mother to finish our Church Choir practice and discovering the mind of Mia and her quest for self-actualization. I have followed all of your written works since then, particularly enjoying your newest Abandon series. I learned more about myself with each book of yours I read. I enjoyed that your characters were not necessarily born or started the books as these epically strong females, but became them. They grew and developed and learned to be strong women.
            As an avid reader I was quite upset when the New Adult genre took over in the past few years. While I want to read books aimed for college students, as a college student myself, I do not want to read graphic sexual scenes or intense violence. Most disappointing was the many young adult authors whose words I had grown up with and enjoyed switching their series midway or starting a new series in the new adult genre. The genre began gaining momentum and popularity with authors the same year you were finishing the Heather Wells series. Rumors abounded as to whether or not you would follow the crowd and make the series switch into New Adult. I wanted to thank you for not changing the series at the end by graphically going into detail about their sex lives.
Research has shown that readers are Exposed to about 30.23 acts of aggression after reading one hour of novels compared to 18.46 acts of aggression when watching an hour of TV (Coyne & Archer, 2004). I think that the new adult genre, with warnings for sex and violence intended for mature audiences, will likely only cause this divide to increase and books to show even more aggression.
I want to end this letter by asking you to use your influence to show the increased need for Amazon to better label and categorize their books. You are already an example to fellow authors that you do not need sex to sell and that success for a series can come without creating novels that many readers may be uncomfortable or unable to read due to graphically sexual scenes. But since amazon is still working on labeling its products, especially new adult kindle books, with warnings it can be difficult for consumers or parents to realize that the book they have purchased for someone or themselves will contain inappropriate scenes midway through.
I sincerely hope you consider what I have said and continue to write clean books as well as influence others to either write clean books or use warnings for others to be aware of what they are purchasing! Books don’t have a rating system so we rely on the genre and the warnings of sites like amazon or goodreads to help insure we have a clean book. Help continue the campaign for increased labeling and awareness.

Lisa Norton

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Media Memories

So recently Disney acquired the rights to Studio Ghibli. This is a Japanese animation studio that was a favorite of mine when I was younger. They are famous for movies like Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and My Neighbor Totoro. And Disney has recently released these classics on DVD.

I purchased Kiki's Delivery Service at Target and watching it was a walk down memory lane. I love the story of growing up and becoming your own person. It is really touching. Some of the wisdom of the DVD I adhered to as I grew and so it has a powerful resonance in my soul. And it is rated G so it was a movie I was allowed to watch on Sundays.

I loved our class discussion, some weeks ago, on books that influenced us. I believe that movies often have similar aspects. My family still quotes movies of my childhood, including Chipmunk Adventure and The Goofy Movie. They have influenced all the siblings in some way.

My favorite media memories are the series that fostered my love of fairy tales. It was Shelley Duvall's fairy tale theater. Unlike Disney, these are the true fairy tales, many of which are more about teaching lessons then about happy endings.

It is always fun to enjoy watching the movies that touched your heart as a child and influenced who you became.

Lisa Norton

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LDS Gender Survey

I participated in the LDS Gender Survey currently making the rounds on social media, especially Facebook. Facebook and social media is an amazing tool for reaching a wide variety of people. But in this case while I enjoyed the survey it was a bit difficult to take and misleading to me.

This article by the Herald Extra answered some questions I had including that it is actually not even related to the Church (I didn't think so, but was unsure) nor is it sponsored by the church. It also explains a bit about the funding for the research which was Kickstarter. Crowd-source funding is an amazing aspect of media that really allows for so much to be done, but that is probably a tangent. Maybe my next post.

I guess my thought is that the research is interesting, but the internet can easily have sources that seem misleading or confusing. And that sometimes surveys can be really emotional or difficult especially when pertaining to religious topics.

The internet is a great tool for doing research, but think before you participate and share. But also take the time to participate in research that can help you understand more about yourself and your faith (even if it is not church sponsored)

If you would like to take the survey the link is here:

Obviously I found the experience to be a bit conflicting and can't really decide what I think. But I am interested to see the results of their research.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Media Mock Trial

I was really impressed by the class mock trial. I learned a lot about media and the first amendment. But I think the biggest thing I took away was viewpoint discrimination.

You would think that most parents would want to protect their kids from the harmful effects of violent media, but I think that the government intervening to assist parent is going to far.

To say you are restricting offensive material is one thing, but the problem, viewpoint discrimination, would create massive conflict. I am an avid Harry Potter fan, but some groups found it offensive enough to burn! Violence in Disney shows is excessive and yet it is aimed toward children. So much of life is a conflict of opinions. And if the government give preferential treatment to one definition of offensive it alienates the rest of the population.

I guess what I am trying to say is I learned that government intervention needs to be carefully regulated. We may need the government to assist in some matters, but only in matters that don't take away our rights to make decisions for ourself about what is good or bad for us or for our children.

Lisa Jean

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gamer Girl: Casual Edition

I am a gamer. I enjoy various platforms, including 3DS, PC, and Xbox. And while I really enjoy the escape of gaming and have at times worried I'm a statistic for the displacement hypothesis, I have used gaming to procrastinate homework assignment, I was grateful that I have never developed an addiction.

I do binge in massed practice when I first buy a game, but most weeks I am very distributed. Some weeks I don't have time to play at all. Others I play 3-4 hours or even 6-8. But hardly ever more then that.

Learning about all the difficultly and withdraw with video gaming made me both grateful I don't have that, aware of people I know who probably do, and a desire to protect my future family from those effects.

I also say that in moderation and as a stress relief I think gaming helps me do better in my schoolwork. You have to have balance in life and use time management so I think it just depends on your power of decision and your self-control.

I will always enjoy the casual gaming lifestyle. And I think it helped shape my life.

Lisa Jean

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The "Cult" of Disney

I love Disneyland!! I just wanted to put that first. Before jumping into my media experience at the "happiest place on earth"!

First off I know that it makes sense that everything at Disneyland is Disney related. But the experience begins way before that! The hotels in the area are "Disney Good Neighborhood Hotel"s to show they are approved by Disney. The Streetlights have Mickey on top, the food is all shaped in Disney shapes, this list could go on forever.

I guess I just realized that they literally use every sense (touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound) and then stimulate it in a way that makes you think of Disney. It is branding to a whole new level!

Also side note I finally saw the show World of Color which is amazing and also shows so much Disney!!

So I guess my thoughts were that even at a park where your focus is on rides, the media surounding you is very specific. And humorous. And eye grabbing.

I think my favorite was learning about Disney conspiracies. Like Walt Disney got the idea for Mickey Mouse from an Egyptian mouse worshipping cult.

I think this also made me realize the power of corporations like Disney. The have their own channel, radio station, theme park, etc. Their ideals can absolutely influence you. So watch how much you consume/internalize.

Lisa Jean

Friday, October 17, 2014

On the road to Disney

Driving ten hours to Disney for my 22nd birthday was a big reminder for the importance of media. We definitely made use of music. It was positive mood management when we were all getting cramped and crabby. We also used it as background noise. Finally it was a distraction to help us stay awake!!

I think we only turned off music for 30 mins of the ten hour drive.

Finally my friend almost forgot her phone. When I mentioned that it was good she noticed right away so she could run back for it, her response was so typical of society. She said can you even have fun? How can you last without pictures, snapchat, Instagram? It made me think of how much we use our phones for purposes other then typical communication.

Maybe I will post disney pictures next time!

Lisa Jean